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Rocking and Rolling through momhood


Hi! I’m Christine,

I’m a Peruvian Psychologist who moved to San Diego, CA to study Expressive Arts Therapy back in 2013. I immediately fell in love with the city, I mean if you look around San Diego… who doesn’t? 
I also got a degree as a Rational Emotive Therapist at the Institute of Rational Emotive Therapy in Lima, Peru, Certified by the Albert Ellis Institute in New York.
Through the years, I learned how to tune myself and learn about me. I wanted to connect more with the universe and be more present. That’s how I decided to become a Reiki Healer. I think this point in my life made me more conscious and aware of how the energy you put in every project you’re working on is very important. Finally, how did I decide to become a Mom Coach? Well, it all started when my mom had my sister when I was 9 years old. She pretty much was my living baby doll, and I loved seeing her grow every day. That is one of the main reason why I studied psychology, because I found fascinating how the mind and body change through the years. With her, I would say, my desire to become a mom started to grow.
I always said that I was born to be a mom and now that I am one I can finally say that it is by far the best job that I’ve done in my life.

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San Diego, California

(858) 652-8887

¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

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